Academician Zhang Qi of Huazhong Agricultural University came to our Institute for investigation and exchange
Publish:zzg001  Post date: 2019-07-31  Number of visits :12115
On July 29, 2019, academician Zhang Qi of Huazhong Agricultural University and his team of 3 people came to our college for research and exchange. In the morning, academician Zhang Qi and Professor Xiong Lizhong made a brilliant academic report for the scientific and technological personnel of our institute, presided over by Dai Luyuan, member of the Party Committee and Vice-President of our institute. Vice-president Wang Jihua, member of the Party Committee of our institute and director of the Scientific Research Management Department Shen Shiquan attended the meeting. The associate researcher of the Institute of science and technology of our institute and above was More than 100 members of the Scientific and Technological Committee of Kunming Research Institute, post experts of industrial system, stationmaster of experimental station, leader of innovation team and management personnel attended the academic conference. In the afternoon, Zhang Qiyi and his delegation had an in-depth discussion and exchange with the head of the rice production team of the Institute. The symposium was chaired by Dai Luyuan, a member of the Party Committee and Vice-President of the Institute. The Party and Government Office, the Scientific Research Management Office, the International Cooperation Department, the Science and Technology Achievement Transfer Management Office, the Food Crop Research Institute, the Economic Crop Research Institute and the students of the Institute of Agriculture and Technology of the Institute of the Relevant leaders of the Institute of Biotechnology and Germplasm Resources and the main leaders of the rice production team of the grain farming institute participated in the symposium.
Around the theme of "The Way of Rice in the New Era", Zhang Qi explained the direction, demand, opportunities and challenges of rice development in the new era from green super rice to green agriculture, the new mode of rice cultivation/breeding, the way of rice in the new era and the prospect for the future. Zhang Qiqi put forward and implemented the strategic concept of "green super rice" from the strategic height of ensuring food security and promoting sustainable agricultural development in China. He emphasized that we should adhere to the basic path of space optimization, resource conservation, environmental friendliness and ecological stability; adhere to the basic tasks of food security, green supply and increasing farmers\'income; adhere to the basic motive force of system innovation, policy innovation and scientific and technological innovation, and build a resource-saving and environment-friendly agricultural production system.( Two types of agriculture. He pointed out that in the new era, China\'s agriculture is undergoing unprecedented profound changes. Agricultural production mode, management system and market demand orientation have undergone great changes. We should make great efforts to adjust structure, improve quality, increase value and promote efficiency, analyze human demand for food, and pay attention to green agriculture and food safety. Concern about crop breeding and human nutrition and health, shoulder the new mission of developing new technologies, cultivating new varieties, creating new models, promoting new consumption, leading industrial innovation and promoting social progress.
Xiong Lizhong made a special academic report entitled "Phenotypic Histology and Genetic Basis of Drought Resistance in Rice". From rice phenotypic histology and genetic basis of drought resistance, drought avoidance (DA) phenotype and heredity, drought recovery, drought escape and drought resistance in rice at molecular level. The present situation of rice drought resistance research was explained and analyzed in detail from four aspects of regulation and control. He pointed out that the next step is to accurately identify water-saving drought resistance, excavate and effectively integrate the micro-natural variation of water-saving and drought-resistant mechanisms (traits) and balance the contradiction between yield/quality and water-saving drought resistance. Participants expressed that the lectures given by Academician Zhang and Professor Xiong were an academic exchange, a collision of wisdom, an ideological feast and an academic feast. They broadened their horizons, increased their knowledge and were inspired by listening to the reports.
At the afternoon symposium, the principal leaders of the relevant rice and rape teams of our hospital reported to Zhang Qi their work and specific matters needing help from Central China Agricultural University, and received one by one responses from Zhang Qi and his team. Zhang pointed out that the cooperation between the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Central China Agricultural University lasted a long time, and suggested that the two sides should continue to strengthen interaction and exchange of needs, hold a bilateral meeting of the State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement once a year, and establish a cooperation mechanism, build a platform for mutual exchange and interaction between the two sides, and focus on several core products every year. We will discuss how to transform resource advantages into genetic advantages, industrial advantages and economic advantages, promote the construction of breeding technology system, and really play its role.

According to Academician Zhang Qi, Dai Luyuan said that we should earnestly implement it from the following three aspects: first, we should establish a bilateral cooperation mechanism, hold an exchange meeting every year, make clear specific contact with docking personnel, continue to strengthen cooperation with key laboratories, and hope to get more support from key laboratories. Second, focusing on giving full play to their respective advantages, the next step is to focus on the main line of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences to build a modern breeding system in low latitude plateau, concentrate on integrating the most representative resources of the whole hospital, and produce more influential results with key laboratories. Third, to achieve win-win cooperation between the two sides, we should pay more attention to the sharing of results and make the open cooperation between the two sides fruitful. (Audit: Hu Qiang)


