Thai field crop experts came to Yunnan to participate in the breeding of new breakthrough Sugarcane Varieties
Publish:zzg001  Post date: 2019-07-31  Number of visits :12096
Yunnan is the second largest sugarcane region in China. Sugar industry is an important industry in the border ethnic areas to get rid of poverty and become rich. Yunnan sugarcane region borders Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos. In order to breed new breakthrough sugarcane varieties suitable for Yunnan and radiate Southeast Asia, and promote the support of Yunnan sugar industry science and technology to the sugar industry of Yunnan and surrounding countries. The Sugarcane Research Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (hereinafter referred to as "Sugarcane Institute") has carried out breakthrough new sugarcane varieties breeding at several zonal breeding sites in the sugarcane region bordering on foreign countries.
Thailand is the world\'s second largest exporter of sucrose. Before retirement, Thailand\'s field crop expert Villepin-Pengladi was a field crop expert of the Ministry of Agriculture of Thailand and head of sugarcane genetic improvement. Kongjing 3, a sugarcane variety bred under its leadership, accounts for 80% of the total area of sugarcane in Thailand, accounting for about 19.5 million mu. It has made great contributions to the development of sugar industry in Thailand. It has won the Thai Innovation Award successively and the title of the best plant breeder in Thailand. Meanwhile, the cultivars were planted in Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar successively. In order to introduce the valuable experience of its key parents and sugarcane breeding, and promote the development of breakthrough new sugarcane varieties suitable for Yunnan and radiating Southeast Asia in Yunnan. With the support of the provincial foreign expert introduction project, Verepon-Pengladi and her core team member, Teksena (agronomist), were invited to Yunnan on June 24, 2019 to participate in the breeding of breakthrough new sugarcane varieties. This is the first visit to implement the project, with a three-year implementation period.
From June 24 to July 5, 2019, with Ying Xiongmei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Sugarcane Institute, Liu Xinlong, Vice Director of Sugarcane Institute, Chen Xuekuan, Researcher of International Cooperation Research Center and members of the project team, two academic exchanges were carried out focusing on sugarcane breeding and resistance breeding of major diseases (one in Ruili Breeding Station); and the other in Ruili Breeding Station. Accompanied by members of the project team and the leaders of the regional breeding points, field investigations were conducted at the regional breeding points of sugarcane plantations in Ruili, Longchuan and Yingjiang, and the experimental design, breeding methods and disease resistance of some new strains of sugarcane plantations were investigated in detail.

The participation of Thailand experts will give fresh impetus to the breeding of new breakthrough sugarcane varieties in Yunnan, promote the construction of sugarcane breeding team in Yunnan, and make a due contribution to Yunnan\'s sugar industry technology integration into the national and regional strategy. (Auditor: Liu Xinlong)

(图1 陇川分区育种点调查)

(图2 盈江分区育种点调查)

(图3 保山育种试验调查)