Chinese and foreign experts from Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences attended the 17th China International Talents Exchange Conference
Publish:zzg001  Post date: 2019-07-31  Number of visits :12733
On the 14-15 day of April 2019, the seventeenth China International Talent Exchange Conference was held in Shenzhen. The event was hosted by the China Science and Technology Exchange Center (TYSP). 34 Chinese mentors from 18 scientific research institutes, leaders of relevant units and 20 The distinguished young scientists from developing countries from the "belt and road" countries participated in this activity. Three outstanding representatives of experts from Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, including Dr. Muhammad Abdul Rehman Rashid from Pakistan, Dr. Gizachew Haile Gidamo from Ethiopia and Dr. MD Siddikun Nabi Mandal from Bangladesh, as well as Mr. Yang Qinzhong and associate researcher Li Hongsheng, participated in the exchange.
In the interactive Salon of Chinese and foreign young scientists with the theme of "I do scientific research in China", three outstanding representatives of our institute made speeches on the four themes of salon respectively. At the same time, researcher Yang Qinzhong introduced the implementation of TYSP project of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Since 2015, the number of our institute to Gang Jieqing has increased year by year. The number of Gang Jieqing has exceeded 40, which has made an important contribution to the development of scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges in our institute. During the salon, Minister Wang Zhigang of the Ministry of Science and Technology visited the venue and shook hands with some of the participants. In 2019, Xia Mingjiu, a member of the "science and technology humanities exchange Youth Forum" along the "one belt and one road" speech, delivered a speech to the Party member of the Ministry of science and technology, and presented expert certificates to Jay, the deputy inspector of the Department of international cooperation of the Ministry of science and technology, Wen Jun, deputy director of the Department of external affairs of the Ministry of science and technology, Huang Yan, and the International Cooperation Bureau of the National Science Foundation of China. Zhang Yongtao, director of the inter regional organization, respectively made a keynote speech entitled "talent exchange" and "one belt along the road" technological innovation cooperation, "service one belt and one way" initiative to promote scientific and technological humanities exchanges, and "China\'s National Natural Science Foundation promotes the" one belt and one way "technology humanities exchange. Relevant policies, management and project support of the Ministry in the "one belt and one road". Dr. Jay Muhammad Abdul Rehman Rashid from our hospital, entitled "the role of TYSP and the Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the" all along the way ", introduced the role and significance of the TYSP program of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences from personnel recruitment, management to promoting international cooperation in science and technology and the" one belt and one road "goal. After hearing the report, experts, leaders and Jieqing fully affirmed the TYSP work in our hospital and its achievements. Participants also visited the Shenzhen exhibition area of China\'s high-tech and international talent exchange and participated in the award-giving activities of "outstanding contribution talents" organized by Longhua District Government. Through this activity, we have a deep understanding of China\'s scientific and Technological Development and the incentive policies of the Chinese government and enterprises for outstanding talents. We hope that China can cooperate more with the host countries of outstanding talents, so that China\'s science and technology can benefit more countries.
The international Jay plan has made great achievements since its implementation. The China Science and technology exchange center hopes that the international JE Qing plan will further improve the selection, employment and management of the units, and train scientific and technological talents for China, along with the "one belt and one road" countries, and consolidate the long-term cooperative relationship. The platform of communication and innovation will serve the construction of "one belt and one road" better. (Auditor: Tao Dayun)

News Link: Foreign Young Scientists Actively Participate in the Seventeenth International Conference on Talents Exchange

图1. Muhammad Abdul Rehman Rashid博士做大会报告

图2. 科技部领导为杰青颁发证书

图3. 参会代表合影