Available Positions of YAAS under Talented Young Scientist Program (TYSP) of MOST, China (second batch)
Publish:Xiuhua Chen  Post date: 2020-02-15  Number of visits :20834

Another 10 TYSP positions were uploaded on TYSP website for the second batch.Below please find the list of these positions of YAAS. These positions can also be found on TYSP website http://tysp.cstec.org.cn/en/jobs.aspx (please copy the address) with selection of location at Kunming. Technical personnels, under 45 years old, with jobs (contract positions also OK) in local country and 5 years working experience could apply. For employees with Ph.D degree, no time limit of working experiences required.

Please apply through TYSP website http://tysp.cstec.org.cn/en/jobs.aspx before Feb. 20. We welcome all our international parterners to apply.

                                                                  Position List

No. Position Research Field Working Period  
P19R53010 Assistant Researcher-Source Analysis of Haploid Variation in Wheat Fundamentals Of Agronomy and Crop Science 12 Mon.
P19R53025 Pyramiding of aerobic adaptation genes and genetic effects in multiple genetic background Fundamentals Of Agronomy and Crop Science 12 Mon.
P19R53020 Assistant Researcher-Functional analysis of candidate genes related to tillering trait of sugarcane Fundamentals Of Agronomy and Crop Science 12 Mon.
P19R53009 Assistant Researcher-Genome-wide association analysis of sugar traits in Sugarcane Fundamentals Of Agronomy and Crop Science 12 Mon.
P19R53001 Assistant Researcher- Studying the interaction between crop and nematode in plant resources Plant Protection 12 Mon.
P18R53022 Assistant Researcher-field population for population dynamics and occurrence relationship Plant Protection 12 Mon.
P19R53016 Resistance Assessment of Wheat Varieties and Resistance Genes Research – Assistant Professor Plant Protection 12 Mon.
P19R53012 Genotypic variation of functional components contents for RIL population of rice(Assistant Research) Fundamentals Of Agronomy and Crop Science 12 Mon.
P19R53024 Associate Research Fellow-Characterization of Antagonistic Endophyte from Paris polyphylla Smith var Microbiology 12 Mon.
P19R53002 Associate Research Fellow-Studies on the Genetics and Molecular Biology of Bombyx mori Animal Husbandry and Meadowland Science 12 Mon.