Signing of Framework Agreement Extension between YAAS and CIRAD
Publish:Lu Tai  Post date: 2021-02-25  Number of visits :26045

The pandemic of COVID-19 in 2020 dramatically influenced and blocked international personnel exchanges. In order to maintain and further deepen bilateral cooperation in the post epidemic era, Dr. Xuelin Li, President of YAAS and Dr. Michel Eddi, Chairman of CIRAD renewed bilateral Framework Agreement by organizing a ceremony in each of their institutions.

CIRAD, a French research centre affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, is Europe’s leading institution working with developing countries to tackle international agricultural and development issues. CIRAD has created a global cooperation network platform, established 12 work offices around the world, and built cooperative relations with more than 90 countries. Dr. Michel Eddi has dedicated to promoting agricultural science and technology cooperation with China since 2013, when he started the position as a chairman of CIRAD. The cooperation between YAAS and CIRAD has lasted for nearly 20 years. Through long-term stable cooperative research in upland rice, sugarcane, coffee, mango, protective agriculture, we made outstanding achievements in personnel training, academic exchange and building of cooperation platform and mechanism. The first new upland rice variety approved in Yunnan Province was a result of YAAS-CIRAD cooperation of over 20 years. Four SCI papers have been collaboratively published on rice cultivation and rice blast, and a new rice blast resistance was found from Changxiong wild rice.

This is the first signed agreement of YAAS in 2021, the kick-off year of the 14th Five-Year Plan. The two institutions will continue to strengthen collaborative research such as tropical fruit trees and vegetables, and personnel trainings. The renewal of this agreement plays a leading role in making full use of bilateral cooperation foundation and respective technical advantages to form cooperation achievements, and is of great significance to deepen mutual trust and exchange under the building of a new "dual circulation" development pattern. Dr. Luyuan Dai, Vice President of YAAS, and relevant leaders of General Office, Human Resources Division, Scientific Research Management Division and International Cooperation Division attended the signing ceremony. (reviewed by: Yanjie Luo)

Xuelin Li renewed YAAS-CIRAD Framework Agreement

Michel Eddi renewed YAAS-CIRAD Framework Agreement